Wednesday, September 18, 2013

what gets breastfeeding off on the right foot??

Support and education, that's what!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Awesome Quote Of The Day

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Making Time For Birth Story Healing

In our line of work, we see a lot of babies and hear a lot of birth stories. It's always enlightening, awe inspiring, and thought provoking.

Sometimes a story is like a tender sore spot for the one telling it, as she struggles to weave it into her newly emerging vision of herself as Mother. Unfortunately, many new mothers carry birth wounds and confusion as painful secrets, which postpones healing. Sometimes new mothers share their story to a less than ready listener, one who is unsure of how to hear her or how to respond, much less one who can guide her on her path to healing.

Local birth professional, Evelyn Ojeda Fox's Birth Story Healing workshop fills this need that so many new moms face every day, check her out!