Thursday, November 7, 2013

6 Ways Our Facebook Page Can Help You Out

The Fourth Trimester Facebook page might not be as good as face to face support, in-home lactation services, or a personalized care-plan, but it's a great way to help your breastfeeding relationship continue to blossom. Here are six ways that "liking" our Facebook page will help you.

1) You can scroll through for evidence based information on infant feeding and breast health. Plus cute memes and gorgeous photos.

2) Having in-real-life friends who exclusively breastfeed can keep you on track too, and if you send those friends our way when they are struggling, we can make sure they have all the support the need.

3) We'll keep you up to date on local baby and breastfeeding happenings, prenatal classes, special birthy events.

4) Find a doula, childbirth educator, or midwife among our friends- we're well connected.

5) Our fans have a lot of great wisdom to share, too. Ask a question on our wall, make friends, get connected!

6) Are you a doula, educator, or midwife? We welcome you to post on our wall with a tidbit about yourself and anything relevant you'd like to share with us.

Have you swung by the  Fourth Trimester Facebook page yet?


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