Sunday, January 5, 2014

Come Pin With Us!

Pinterest is amazing! New parents constantly need information on the go and Pinterest has a mobile app that works really well. What more could a Fourth Trimester mama ask for? How-to resources, links to blogs, videos, articles, witty memes, and artwork galore. 

There are a lot of curve balls that get thrown at us in this parenting thing. 

Sometimes we need to do some research. We get a lot of questions from mamas AND other birth professionals that are specific and require thoughtful one-on-one investigation to answer, but many other questions are broad like "what does baby led weaning mean?" and "what if I fall asleep while nursing in a side lying position?" So, for moments like those, we have been collecting some of our favorite resources on these boards. 

The next time you want some info on the mother support resources, composition of breastmilk, pumping strategies, cosleeping and nighttime parenting, baby led weaning, or tongue ties and lip ties come to Pinterest and see what you can find on our lovingly curated boards.

The social media component of it is really powerful too. Have you ever wondered how to share with your friends and family what you believe in without sending them a boring list of links? Do you want to have beautiful inspiring images in your Pinterest feed to share with your friends? You know what to do ;)

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